HERI’s Home School Seminar : Saturday, October 5, 2024

NOON to FIVE PM Ten Workshops To Choose From

And a FOSSIL Display

Join HERI: Home Education Resources & Information for their HOME SCHOOL WORKSHOP DAY on Saturday, October 5, 2024.

Workshops from “How to Home Educate” to “Making Sourdough Bread” and many other options. Come to one or choose five from the different classes. Whether you’re new to homeschooling or have been homeschooling for years —there’s a workshop for you!

Day of Seminar: Sign in at the Sanctuary building (see below for address) — pick up your workshop wristband there.


There will be two different classes going on at the same time. Choose the class that interests you the most.


12:00 PM:

Organization & Homeschooling (Sanctuary)

This workshops explores Laura’s experience in integrating all aspects of life as a home educating family. How do we manage figuring out what to teach, keeping records, scheduling appointments and activities, running errands, meal prepping, and cleaning the home? Let’s find out.

Speaker: Laura Barnett

OR choose at 12:00 PM:

FAQs of Origins (Fellowship Hall)

Dr. Rich Overman, a Creation Scientist for over 30 years, answers the most frequently asked questions about origins. However, FAQs can also be read as FACTS, so the presentation not only provides answers but also the facts behind those answers. In the beginning, Dr. Overman provides a scientific foundation for the universe being created by a transcendent God and a scientific refutation of the idea that the universe was created by a nature-god. This is followed by the facts regarding the age of the earth, dinosaurs, races of people, human “evolution”, fossils, etc. (geared for middle school aged students to adults)

Speaker: Rich Overman

1:00 PM:

Homeschooling 101: Home Education Requirements in Florida  (Sanctuary)

Are you new to homeschooling or want to make sure that you have the basics covered? Join a home educator with many years of experience as she shares with you the basics of home education from the Florida statutes. Heidi is currently a Florida certified teacher, the HERI testing coordinator, a homeschool evaluator, and a homeschool mom.

Speaker: Heidi Ith

OR choose at 1:00 PM:

Let’s Learn How To Make Sourdough Bread (Fellowship Hall)

Suzanne will guide us on how to feed and keep our sourdough starter and then she will show us how to make a delicious sourdough sandwich bread loaf without too much work.  She’ll also share some of the benefits of eating sourdough bread.

Speaker: Suzanne Sumner

2:00 PM:

Home Schooling Evaluation Options (Sanctuary)

What are the annual home education evaluation options available? Do I have to test my child? Come and find out the answers to those questions and more.

Speaker: Heidi Ith

OR choose at 2:00 PM:

Earning College Credit While Homeschooling High School (Fellowship Hall)

As home educators we have chosen an educational path that best complements our families. Learn how to continue your education individuality and save time & money on a college degree by utilizing the credit by examination alternative during high school & beyond. Using this method, two of the speaker’s sons have completed their college degrees and three of her other sons have completed many college credits. Come and find out how to complete one class, one semester of credit, or earn your entire degree from home.

Speaker: Elicia DiPietro

3:00 PM:

Home Schooling High School— how do you navigate the high school years? (Sanctuary)

Homeschooling high school? Is it possible to home educate your children all the way to high school graduation? What classes do they need to complete to graduate? Join a homeschooling mom as she shares how to navigate the high school years. She has homeschooled 5 of her 6 children all the way from kindergarten to high school graduation. Be encouraged— you can homeschool your children in high school!

Speaker: Elicia DiPietro

OR choose at 3:00 PM:

It’s a Young Earth After All (Fellowship Hall)

The age of the earth is, in my opinion, probably the most fundamental and definitive of the issues. The bottom line is that a straightforward reading of scripture leads to the conclusion that God created everything in six solar days about six thousand years ago. Evolutionists tell us that the earth is billions of years old. Both cannot be true. Let’s see if science gives us a reason to doubt scripture. This is an in-depth look at the issues around the age of the earth.

Speaker: Rich Overman


Dual Enrollment (Sanctuary)

Curious about how the dual enrollment process works at FSCJ? Earning both high school & college credit while taking college classes through FSCJ. Join Labrena Bowman, FSCJ Dual Enrollment Coordinator, as she shares dual enrollment opportunities and dual enrollment application information.

Speaker: Labrena Bowman

OR choose at 4:00PM:

Milling Real Whole Wheat Flour and Baking With It (Fellowship Hall)

Kim is passionate about nutrition and feels that good sleep, regular exercise and eating food as close to the way God created it are very important ways to help a homeschool family thrive.

Earning a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing from the University of South Alabama and a Master of Science Degree in Nursing from Louisiana State University, Kim worked as a registered nurse and as a Primary Care Nurse Practitioner until God called her to homeschool.

Kim began milling homemade flour after hearing her mentor in the field, Sue Becker, speak about the health benefits of “real” whole wheat flour at a HERI homeschool convention in 2003.

After 3 months of cooking with fresh flour, Kim and her family began to experience amazing health benefits such as complete relief of seasonal allergies, aphthous ulcers & constipation. They also noticed increased energy levels as well as decreased doctor visits. In this talk, you will learn about the history of flour and the detrimental health effects of commercial milling. Kim will show you the different types of wheat berries, where to purchase them, and how you can easily make fresh, homemade flour. She will also teach you how to adapt any recipe so that you can make delicious, nourishing food.

Speaker: Kim Ebbers

Join HERI on Saturday, October 5th for the HOME SCHOOL Workshop Day.

Come and be encouraged and equipped for your homeschooling journey from kindergarten to graduation. Bring your questions; there should be time in each workshop for them to be answered.

Seminar fee: (to help cover the facility expenses)

HERI Members: FREE (please register)

Non-members: $10 per family

Please REGISTER soon —in order for us to prepare materials for attendees.


Workshops held in the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall of Changed By Grace Church (formerly Eastport Baptist Church) located at 1322 Eastport Road, Jacksonville, FL 32218, on Saturday, October 5, 2024 starting at 12:00 PM.

SIGN IN on Saturday in the Sanctuary: the building closest to the street. There you will pick up your seminar bracelet that gives you access to the classes.

Any questions please email herijax@yahoo.com.

*The workshops will be for informational purposes only. Workshop schedule is also subject to change.