What to put in box above? The HERI graduation ceremony includes 20 seconds of fame for each graduate. Rather than just reading each graduate’s name, as he/she walks across the stage, we like to make it more personal by introducing each graduate to the audience. We will have live readers to introduce each graduate, but we lack the information needed to give your graduate a personal introduction, and that’s what we need from you. We need a 75 word or less paragraph of information that introduces your graduate to the audience. While this is being read during the ceremony, photographs of your graduate will be shown on the big screen.
So, what will you tell us about your graduate? Required information is your graduate’s full given name (that’s how you want him/her introduced), as well as the phonetic pronunciation if necessary. Everything else is pretty much up to you. You can tell us how long your graduate was homeschooled, activities he/she was involved in or enjoyed during the school years, awards achieved, future plans, etc. Your graduate can assist you. Make this a team effort. For the introduction we want to hear from YOU — we know you are proud, tell us why.
Two things to keep in mind — your submission must be 75 words of less and it will be read by a 3rd party. You are not speaking to your graduate, you are introducing your graduate TO the audience.
Please submit this information by required items deadlines that are based on registration dates.