BENEFITS OF H.E.R.I. (Home Education Resources & Information)
1) Homeschool Curriculum Library with FREE book checkout for the ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR (This can save a family hundreds of dollars a year.) (Teacher’s Manuals & Student Texts available.)
2) BookBuster—one of the largest used curriculum sales in northeast Florida: early shopping, discounted entry, higher sales commission, great savings on books, etc…
3) Annual Group Standardized Testing: save $15 per student tested
4) First-Class Graduation Ceremony: save $50 per graduate
5) Omega Mu Chapter of ESA National Honor Society: for members 9th-12th graders who meet application requirements (click here)
6) HSLDA Annual Membership Discount:$15 discount with HSLDA for being a HERI member (Homeschool Legal Defense Association) [Members can email us for the special code]
7) FPEA Annual Membership Discount: $10 discount with FPEA for being a HERI member (Florida Parent Educators Association) . . . [Members can email us for the special code]
8) Seminar discounts: Homeschooling 101 Class & All About Homeschooling & All About Homeschooling High School Seminars & Back to School Workshop Day —$5.00 discount on each.
9) Facebook, Website, & Periodic Emails: upcoming HERI activities, advice, critical legislation, inspiration and more
10) Evaluation & Tutor Referral List [Members can email us for this list]
11) Ability to connect to experienced home educators (at library, events, and email)
12) Information emailed about Member Sponsored events (ie. Park Day/Field Trips).
Benefits may vary. HERI is a volunteer organization. Member participation is necessary for the activities it offers.
MEMBERSHIP is $40 Per Family per Membership Year: Membership year runs from August 1 – July 31 (You may become a member anytime during that time period until May 31.)
A local, volunteer group of home educators who encourage each other in the educational choice that is best for our families.