Registration is open for 2025 Testing.

HERI testing is conducted by Florida Certified Teachers. This test may be used to fulfill your annual evaluation requirement. (Testing results are valid for one year from testing date.)
Location: Lakewood Church of Jacksonville, 6133 San Jose Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32217 đź—ş
Please do not call the church office. Their staff does not have group testing information.
Testing Dates & Times
Grades K-8: test on both Monday, April 28th AND Tuesday, April 29th.
Grades 9-12: only test on Monday, April 28th.
Check-In opens at 8:30am.
Testing will begin promptly at 9am each day. Please be on location no later than 8:45am.
Due to the fact testing end times will vary anywhere from 12:00pm-12:30pm (sometimes earlier), please plan to be back at the church by 11:30am. You may stay at the church during the whole testing time as well. There will be seats in the gymnasium for families to wait.
*Age at time of group testing must be at least 5 years old as of September 1, 2024
If you’re not a member yet Click here to register for HERI membership (in order to get member price on testing).
See TEST PRICING below for more info.
Testing Details
H.E.R.I. uses the Iowa Assessments Test
The test that we administer is the Iowa, Form E, Core Battery.
All test questions are presented in multiple choice format.
Test administered in paper and pencil test format. Grades K through 3 will record their answers directly in their test booklets. Grades 4 through 12 will record their answers on a separate answer document.
It will take five weeks for you to receive your child’s test results. Our Test Pick up night is scheduled for June 5, 2025.
HERI uses Florida Certified Teachers to administer testing and evaluations.
If your child might have a special testing accommodation need (ie: diabetic, wheelchair accessible room etc.) before you register, please contact us by email at or click here to make HERI aware of the need, as well as, the possibility to accommodate that need. Unfortunately, during group testing, we will not be able to accommodate children with IEP’s needing extra time to complete testing. It’s necessary for us to follow all guidelines for group administration. HERI does provide a Teacher Referral list, available to members, with teachers offering private testing and their fees.
Please Note: It is the family’s responsibility to make sure the test scores meet the required level for whatever purpose you are using them for (PEP, Step Up, Honor Societies, Annual Evaluation etc.). When testing with H.E.R.I., you will receive your child’s test scores; they will not be sent to any other source except to the parent/guardian who registered for the testing.
Upon request, H.E.R.I. is able to create a specific invoice to be used for reimbursement for Step-Up.
Another Note: We are opening testing up to Kindergarten students this year. This is H.E.R.I.’s first time testing the kindergarten age. We need to have at least three Kindergarten students registered by March 6, 2025. If we do not meet the minimum number of students, your registration fee will be refunded for your kindergarten student. We really desire to serve the homeschool community by opening up this option to families.
Test Pricing
***REGISTER Early for BEST Price***
** EARLY Registration until January 5th. Member Cost: $70 per student. NON-REFUNDABLE.
** NORMAL Registration from January 6th through March 6th. Member Cost: $85 per student. NON- REFUNDABLE.
** LATE Registration from March 7th through April 7th. Member Cost: $100 per student. NON-REFUNDABLE.
** EARLY Registration until January 5th. Non-member Cost: $85 per student. NON- REFUNDABLE.
** NORMAL Registration from January 6th through March 6th. Non-member Cost: $100 per student. NON-REFUNDABLE.
** LATE Registration from March 7th through April 7th. Non-member Cost: $115 per student. NON-REFUNDABLE.
Tips and Reminders
Students should be well rested the week before testing; especially the night before. A tired student will have difficulty focusing and/or handling the demands of a test.
Give your student a well-rounded breakfast. Evidence suggests that eating a healthy breakfast really does make the mind alert and active, which will help the student to do their best during testing.
HERI does NOT provide snacks and drinks. Please PROVIDE a snack/drink for your children as they will be given a designated snack time. Neither snacks, drinks, or gum are permitted during testing in the classrooms.
Help your child feel calm and relaxed about the test. On the drive to the testing site, encourage your student. If they feel good about themselves, they will do their best. Pray for peace. Students who are afraid of failing are more likely to become anxious and not perform to their fullest potential. Be relaxed. If you are at peace, the student will be too. Remind your student they will encounter test questions that may be difficult and not yet covered in their schooling– that’s okay. Encourage them to use the process of elimination or “thoughtful guesses” when they are unsure of the correct answer.
Please arrive on time. Testing begins promptly at 9:00am. It is best to arrive by 8:45am, so the student can relax and not feel rushed. If for any reason you arrive late to testing, your student will need to wait for the next sub-test to begin. Please see the information table when you arrive. It will be the responsibility of the parent to contract with a teacher to have the missed sub-test rescheduled; which requires additional fees and must be completed within the scheduled testing dates.
Please provide a sweater or jacket for the student so they can stay comfortable during testing. Also provide a book for the student to read if they finish early. HERI allows the full time allotted for sub-tests and each student will need to stay in the classroom and wait quietly until the test is done.
All phones are to be turned off while a student is in the classroom. If a student’s cell phone rings, beeps, is used, or held, the student will be asked to leave the classroom and forfeit the remainder of their subtest. All electronic handheld games, e-readers, and calculators are not allowed in the classroom.
When you arrive at the testing location, please locate the grade lists (on the wall) and confirm your student’s information. Next, locate the flag of your student’s grade and wait for announcements and their teacher. There will be an information table in the “Family Waiting Area” for questions and concerns. Please advise a volunteer at the information desk if you are not able to stay and leave a contact number. Parents of 1st and 2nd graders are asked to stay on site in the event a child or teacher needs them.
Before you leave the testing location: Due to the fact testing end times will vary anywhere from 12:00pm-12:30pm (sometimes earlier), depending on the grade level, it’s very important you check the specific end time that will be posted on the wall chart by grade the days of testing. If you have multiple children please be on site for the earliest child’s dismissal time. Thank you for your promptness.
Volunteers Needed: We will need volunteers to make this a successful testing experience. For adults who can volunteer, we will need these positions filled for the days of testing: Teacher assistant, Hall monitor, Volunteer table, and the Information table. We are also looking for help to set up the testing areas on Sunday, April 27. After testing, we are asking for all families to help clean up as well. On Monday, we are asking the high school students to help bring the tables to the gymnasium. On Tuesday, we are asking for families to fill in where needed to get the church back in order.
Please do not call church offices. Their staff does not have group testing information.
Email: for more information.