We need input from you — our HERI Members. We desire to encourage homeschool fellowship and we need to hear from you.
On Friday, August 30th, at 1:30PM at the HERI Curriculum Library there will be a HERI Community Planning Meeting. We would like to hear your ideas on how HERI can be a blessing to your family and talents you have that can assist in making those items happen.
Of course, HERI will continue the great opportunities it’s known for and we will also discuss those on Friday: Homeschool Library, Back to School Workshops, Group Standardized Testing, How to Homeschool Seminars, Park Days, High School Graduation Ceremony, & BookBuster.
Also, we’d like to know if there is something that you’re passionate about and would like to share with the HERI community.
We want everyone to find their place within HERI. What are your favorite HERI activities, what are you looking for in our HERI Community, and how would you like to help in order for those things to happen? Please come to the meeting and share your ideas and hear others’ ideas.
We forward to seeing you and your families there — yes, children are welcome. We are homeschoolers after all!